TM Podcast with Trey Bourgeois of Retroactive Pedals
Episode 113: We’ve got a hot one coming your way! Today I talk with Trey about drummers who build pedals, trash on the streets, the creative process and a whole lot more. I think you are gonna dig it. Check out Trey’s work at RetroactivePedals.com. Don’t forget to show our awesome sponsors some love. Sinasoid, and Gunstreet…
TM Podcast with Jay Cross of The Guitar Nerds
Episode 107: Hooooooooo boy! We really went for it on this episode! Jay and I recorded this episode over the course of a 4.5 hour conversation. We decided that we should probably record some of our yammerings, and here is the result! Well, part of it any ways. We discuss A LOT of stuff here.…
TM Podcast 094: Ryan McCay of Yellowcake Pedals Episode 3
The first three time guest! Ryan from Yellowcake Pedals returns to discuss a WIDE range of topics today. He educated me on control voltage, we talked about Anthony Bourdain, and a whole lot more. Have fun! Make sure and check out our wonderful sponsors Gunstreet Wiring Shop and Sinasoid. These people are the best in the business at…
TM Podcast 074: Tom Wisniewski of MxPx
On this episode Tom and I talk about breaking down in the desert, his gear journey, stabilizing 4x12s for jumping off of, Mesa Boogie amps, and a few road stories. And by a few, I mean a lot. Strap in folks. This is a good one. This episode is brought to you by Sinasoid! Please…
TM Podcast 070: Ed Chew of Wrought Iron Effects
This episode is sponsored by Sinasoid! This week I want to talk about their super awesome signature cable, Slate! It feels great, rejects noise, and is only available from the ‘Soid bois. Check it out at Sinasoid.com A few weeks ago Mr. Ed Chew and I sat down to talk about, pizza, gear, guitar pedals,…
TM Podcast 062: Cole Duke of The Gear Slum Podcast
This episode is sponsored by the wonderful folks over at Sinasoid. They are the bringers of fine cables, and fine times! Make sure you check them out and show some love! We are also sponsored by Keeley Electronics! Specifically the new Compressor Plus, which has become my new “always on” pedal of choice, and I’m…
TM Podcast 060: Evan Delany of Fryette Amplification
This podcast is sponsored by Keeley Electronics and Sinasoid Cables. Make sure and check them out! Today I sit down with Evan Delany to talk about his roll at Fryette, the new Sound City Amps, guitars, pedals, the weather, and a whole bunch of nonsense. Oh, and characters. He does characters. Listen on iTunes Listen…
TM Podcast 050: Hank Failing of Old Town Music
This episode is sponsored by Greer Amps! Make sure and check them out! I just snagged a Lightspeed and it is awesome! Today I talk with a man who runs my favorite guitar store! Old Town Music is a staple here in Portland, and its high time that we talk with the guy that helps…
TM Podcast 43: Grant Wilson and Karen Schierhorn of BIG EAR n.y.c.
This episode is brought to you by Sinasoid. Make sure you check out their Cable Builder V3. I personally whipped up a 4ft speaker cable in no time flat. Treat yo self! Today, a first! We pulled off a three way call! I present TWO GUESTS for the price of one. I talk with Grant,…
TM Podcast 040: Ryan Schaefer of Hologram Electronics
Ryan and I down sit down to discuss house music, playing on David Letterman, using computers with guitars. Oh, and Shark Tank. We are going to be gazillionaires with our genius idea. Please do youself a favor and check out Ryan’s brilliant guitar pedals at Hologramelectronics.com Listen on iTunes Listen on Soundcloud Listen on Stitcher…
Tone Mob is a website, podcast, and social media presence dedicated to the never ending pursuit of the ultimate guitar tone.