Does Country of Origin Matter? w/ Kyle Bull
Kyle Bull, the High-Gain Chugmeister of YouTube fame, is on the podcast this week! We dive headfirst into his backstory, and he explains how he got into the content creation game in the first place. We also explore what he has planned for the future, how creators often find themselves in a content “crisis”, the…
Linkin Park & Other Gateways w/ Stay Metal Ray
My dude Stay Metal Ray came on the show! Ray is a YouTuber guitarist, and all around great dude. He has overcame a wide variety of challenges in his life and is a super inspiring person. On this episode we talked about his story, “gateway” bands, shredding vs song construction, putting yourself out there, dealing…
The Importance of Lights w/ Eric Merrow
Eric Merrow is a fantastic YouTuber, guitarist and general guitar gear fanatic just like yours truly. We take a dive into his backstory and how he began making such high quality demo videos right out the gate. We talk about mic techniques, lighting, and a whole lot more. This is a very “enlightening” episode.
Be Inspirational w/ Jason & Tia of Working Class Music
Jason Mays and Tia Bailey are the “on camera” folks for the YouTube channel Working Class Music. They are quickly becoming a “go too” channel in the gear community and the videos that they and the team are producing are fantastic. I was really excited to talk with them about their story and this chat…
Pedals & Cartoons w/ Bram Johnson
How does someone integrate cartoons into pedal demos? Well, my dude Bram has it figured out. He is making some of the most unique and coolest content in the gear world. We had a really epic conversation that spanned from splitting wood in the forest, trying stuff, hitting up Tony Visconti, adapting to the situation,…
Put It Out There! w/ Megan Lippi
Megan Lippi is this week’s guest on the show! Megan is a guitar player and animation student who is just KILLING it on YouTube with her pedal demos. Her unique spin on content coupled with her tasteful playing style is earning her a rad spot in the gear world. I really enjoy her work, and…
DOES IT DOOM? w/ Steve Reis
Steve Reis is the head dude behind the popular YouTube channel Does It Doom? He has zeroed in on a growing, but wildly underserved niche in the gear world. We talk about how he zeroed in on the content for his channel, the history of Doom Metal, how Orange and Matamp are intertwined, his new…
Paid vs Unpaid Pedal Demos w/ Ryan of Demos In The Dark
My buddy Ryan Plewatki from Demos In The Dark came on the show at long last! On this one, we take a long look at “paid vs unpaid” gear demos, talk about Shaquille O’Neal, gush about Seuf Guitars, and a whole lot more. This was a good look into the thought process that goes into…
The Guitar Geek (Andrew Ferris)
We did it!!! I have been meaning to get The Guitar Geek himself on this show, and we finally made it happen. Andy and I discussed his history as a musician/entertainer, producing content for YouTube vs a podcast, the importance of mental health, and a whole lot more. This was a truly fun and important…
Rhett Shull!!!!
An epic re-recording! I’m publishing this kinda late, so apologies, but I am without power and internet at the Shred Shed at the moment…. Anyhow…. I had an epic chat with Rhett, we talk a little guitar, YouTube, and working creatively and whole lot more. This was a great time. I think you’ll really enjoy…

Tone Mob is a website, podcast, and social media presence dedicated to the never ending pursuit of the ultimate guitar tone.