Death & Applesauce w/ Ryan of Fuzzrocious Pedals
Has a human body ever been implemented into guitar pedal design? Does Josh Scott have an enclosure made of bones in his collection? Can volleyball save your life? Should fuzz pedals be integrated into chorus effects? When you die, will you become a tree? The answers to all of this and more on Ryans FOURTH…
Guitar Legend, Pete Anderson
From being told he was “too small to play guitar”, to leading one of the most popular musical acts on the planet, Pete Anderson has seen almost every angle of the music industry. Pete and I go over his career from the moment he started guitar, to working in music stores, to his approach in…
“I Thought I Was Dying” w/ Jo Braga of Pedal Playhouse
Jo Braga is the insanely talented and very hard working creator behind the YouTube channel Pedal Playhouse. It is one of the most entertaining and unique viewing experiences in the guitar gear content world. What started out as a very light and bouncy episode took a very unexpected turn when Jo told me her full…
Music Heals w/ Mo Tedder
Mo Tedder is a songwriter from Nashville, TN who has an extremely interesting story! I met her on one of my plane rides back home from Nashville, and we talked for basically the entire flight. Once she told me about her work with Healing Heartstrings, I knew I had to get her on the podcast.…
Content, Business, and Stuff w/ Dylan Talks Tone
Look at that! It’s a bonus episode! Today I’m talking with Dylan Mckerchie about the world of content creation, behind the scenes of the guitar business, putting in a lot of work, knowing your own brain and a whole lot more! This is chat is pulled from an episode of his new podcast which is…
Cory Wong!!!!
At long last, a much requested guest, Mr. Cory Wong! This was honestky a blast. We dig into the music business, producing different ways to release things, why some people need labels, his creative process and a whole lot more. Enjoy it folks! Check out his music HERE TEXT ME (503) 751-8577 Support the show…
Jason Verlinde of The Fretboard Journal
Podcasts collide yet again! Jason is the head dude behind one of the best guitar publications out there, The Fretboard Journal. He’s done a great job at staying fully independent and producing media in the guitar space for a long time! Enjoy this episode and check out his work at his website, Also, here is…
Emily and Andrew of Get Offset
Hey hey!!! It is new episode day. Today I’m talking with Emily and Andrew from the Get Offset Podcast! This was part of a marathon podcast session I had with them, and if you enjoy this episode, please slide over and check out their podcast wherever you are listening to this. (There is even one…
Sacha Dunable of Intronaut/Dunable Guitars
Finally! I’ve been wanting to make this episode happen for quite a while. Super happy to finally have it happen. Sacha makes tremendous instruments and plays in a killer band. I hope you enjoy the show and make sure you check it all out at…. https://www.dunableguitars.com/ https://www.metalblade.com/intronaut/
Teppei Teranishi of Thrice
THIS IS A MASSIVE ONE! For me at least. Teppei is one of my favorite guitar players from my favorite band, Thrice. Jeston Porter and I were able to sit down in the basement of the Roseland Theater in Portland and nerd out a few weeks ago. It was a wonderful experience and Teppei was…

Tone Mob is a website, podcast, and social media presence dedicated to the never ending pursuit of the ultimate guitar tone.