TM Podcast 089: Cindy Hulej of Cindy Guitars
This was another fun one! Today I talk to Cindy about her rather unorthodox hiring at Carmine Street Guitars, her leather work, making guitars out of oollllllllld New York wood, and the movie they were in! All great stuff. Her website is CindyGuitars.com Make sure you check out this week’s amazing sponsors Sinasoid and Gunstreet…
TM Podcast 085: David Rainger of Rainger FX
I’ve been waiting a long time for this!! Finally got to sit down and chat with David Rainger about a whole giant list of things. He is a very cool dude, with a voice that I could listen to for hours. I don’t know what it is, but it is awesome. Check out his work…
TM Podcast 075: Andy Kim of Sinasoid Cables
On this episode, Andy and I spent approximately 50% of the the time talking about food. Because if one thing is more important than guitar, it is food. Even Totinos. Because yum. This episode is brought to you by Alexander Pedals. Check out the Defender and their other fine wares at Alexanderpedals.com This episode, as…

Tone Mob is a website, podcast, and social media presence dedicated to the never ending pursuit of the ultimate guitar tone.