Facts About Instrument Cables That You Need To Know
Recently, a certain instrument cable made it’s rounds on social media. This 10ft. cable was labeled as the finest, and best quality cable on the market. It promised all sorts of audible sound quality improvements. This type of marketing is certainly nothing new to anyone in the music industry. However it wasn’t just the promotional…
Building a “Soundproof” Practice Space part 2: Basics and Planning
So, in Part 1, we went over the overarching process to constructing a solid rock and roll den. (You should read that first). Now we dig into the more nitty, gritty aspects. Sooooooooo, lets start off with the NUMBER ONE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF THE WHOLE BUILD. Isolation Basics and Planning Lets get something out of the…
Building a “Soundproof” Practice Space
Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could crank up your amp at your leisure? To be able to play with the volume and feedback. To get those tubes working, and producing the lovely, glorious tones we all crave. Wouldn’t it be sweet if you could do this without irritating your neighbors, significant other, or anyone…
When is Bad Tone the Right Tone?
There is nothing quite like a good tone day, is there? You hit just the right notes and they bloom in just the right way. Everything is full, rich, and just plain gorgeous. It truly is one of the most inspiring feelings that I know of. But sometimes, my friends, that sound is exactly what…
If You Have To Ask…
This whole Tone Mob project has been a seriously wild ride! I’ve been so fortunate to meet all these awesome new people, and listen to stories from all these incredible builders. There is one story however, that is really sticking in my craw, so to speak. A story I keep hearing over and over and…
Lunastone Wise Guy Overdrive
I recently had a rather unique opportunity laid out in front of me. I was contacted by the U.S. rep for a Danish pedal company called Lunastone. He asked if I would be interested in trying a new overdrive that was not officially available in the States yet. Given the depths of my gear addiction,…
All In The Fingers?
Some wise guy always brings up this whenever a gear discussion comes up. “The tone is all in the fingers man! Forget about all that gear.” In some regards, “that guy” is right. You could scour the earth and acquire every single piece of gear down to the vintage correct pick guard screws in your…
Boss Metal Zone Revival
Alright. I fully understand the situation. In your younger gear purchasing years you somehow acquired a Boss Metal Zone. Yes, it truly is one of the worst sounding pedals of all time, but Boss still manages to sell them by the bucket load to budding, young axe slingers. They just don’t know any better yet……
Picking Your Tone
We have all done it. Obsessing endlessly over what guitars, pedals and amps make up our signal chain. Debating constantly over the tonal differences between a TS808 vs a TS9. Tungsol vs JJ tubes. The list is goes on. There’s no doubt that all of these things are important, but one crucial piece of gear…
“Tone Guy”
I had a very interesting conversation yesterday. A concept was introduced to me that I’ve never noticed, even though it was right in front of my face. Really got my brain going, and I wondered if anyone else has had such an encounter. I’ll cut to the chase. I was taking a long stroll, thinking…

Tone Mob is a website, podcast, and social media presence dedicated to the never ending pursuit of the ultimate guitar tone.