How To Get Sponsored? w/ Alex Auxier (Origin Effects, Victory Amps, Stringjoy)
How do I get sponsored? How do I get FREE GEAR??? These are questions that I get fairly consistently and the short answer is that nothing is free. The long answer is at least partially contained in this podcast episode. Alex has a long history of working with brands and artists to help them help…
The Gear Business w/ Scott from Stringjoy
Starting a pedal (or any other kind of guitar gear) company this day and age can be a very daunting. Scott Marquart has taken on one of the most difficult product categories in the industry and has seen great success with that. Not only that, but he is my partner in practically every business endeavor…
TM Podcast 099: Scott Marquart of Stringjoy Guitar Strings, Reprise!
It has been YEARS since Scott last came on the podcast. A ton of stuff has changed for both of us and if you thought he knew a lot about strings before, well….. you’ll just have to listen. Make sure you check out his site at Stringjoy.com.  he has some killer stuff coming. Keep your eyes…

Tone Mob is a website, podcast, and social media presence dedicated to the never ending pursuit of the ultimate guitar tone.