TM Podcast 073: Rick Matthews of Matthews Effects (Reprise)
Rick has came back to discuss his relationship with Mike Matthews, bring back the shrimp, talk about food, and a myriad of other things. Good things. Wonderful things. And a weird car ride that happened. Check his stuff out at Matthewseffects.com This episode is sponsored by the wonderful folks over at Sinasoid! Make sure and…
TM Podcast 026: Rick Matthews of Matthews Effects
Hello!!!! On todays episode you can expect talk of seafood ( and lack thereof ), how shimmer reverb works, the future of rack gear, and frolth. Support the show: Tonemob.com/store      Tonemob.com/associates Check out Rick’s pedals at Matthewseffects.com Listen on iTunes Listen on Sticher Listen on Soundcloud
Tone Mob is a website, podcast, and social media presence dedicated to the never ending pursuit of the ultimate guitar tone.