What Makes A Real Song? w/ Ariel Posen
The man, the myth, the guitar legend Ariel Posen has returned to the podcast for the third time! On this episode we dissect the idea of what makes up a “real song”. Is one method of creation more valid than another? Does improvisation count as songwriting? Does more time spent on a project mean that…
Ariel Posen Returns!!!
My dude Ariel is back!!! Mr. Posen is always a delight and on this episode the man is bringing some truth bombs to the table. We talked a lot about the grind, and the work that goes into attempting to carve out a career in the music industry, and how that may look differently than…
TM Podcast with Ariel Posen
Episode 109: Really fun episode for you today. I talked with Ariel about fuzz pedals, acoustic guitar, and why he plays with super heavy gauge strings. It was a great chat and I think you are really going to dig it! Make sure you keep up with him at ArielPosen.com Don’t forget to show our…

Tone Mob is a website, podcast, and social media presence dedicated to the never ending pursuit of the ultimate guitar tone.