I have teamed up with the fine folks at Meris to giveaway two Meris LVX Modular Delay Systems. Yes. You read that right. Two lucky listeners of the show are going to win big!
There are two ways to enter.
The easiest way is to simply become a supporter of the show at any tier by going to Patreon and signing up. By doing that, not only are you getting a shot at an incredible pedal, but you are going to get weekly bonus content and you directly help keep this podcast going. (If you are already a supporter over there, you are already entered!) The link for that is right HERE: https://www.patreon.com/tonemob
We obviously did not want a purchase to be required, so we came up with a fun, free way to enter as well. It just requires getting to know the Meris folks in a little more in depth way.
You’ll need to go back to Terry & Angelo’s first appearance on the show back in 2018. You can find it by going HERE https://tonemob.com/podcast/episode104 or by searching “Terry Angelo Tone Mob” in your preferred podcast player.
The Meris crew have pulled a few trivia questions from the episode. All you need to do is answer them correctly, and email your responses to pedalgiveaway@gmail.com. Please use “LVX Giveaway” as the subject line. ONLY those who get ALL of the answers correct will be entered into the random drawing.
Here are the four questions:
- What comedy tv show did Terry & Angelo bond over while working at Line6 (Jinna loves this show too)?
- What is the name of the music store that Angelo grew up next to in Michigan?
- What was the first schematic Terry ever looked at?
- Which player influenced the Poly Mode of Enzo?
Your email will only be used for the random selection, and contacting of the winners. You will not be placed into any marketing systems for Meris or for The Tone Mob Podcast by entering this contest.
The winners will be randomly selected after the entry period ends at Midnight Pacific Time on Oct. 2, 2023. The winners will be notified via the email they submitted the trivia questions with, or subscribed to the Patreon with. The winners will have 24 hrs to respond or a new winner will be selected and contacted.
The giveaway is running from Monday Sep. 25, 2023 until 11:59 PM Pacific Time on Oct. 2, 2023.
Giveaway is void where prohibited.